Indigenous populations in the Americas are an example of a group that has faced important obstacles to their humane and orderly migration. As a consequence of long historical processes of colonization, decolonization and the creation of new independent States, many of the territories where indigenous people live are located across the bordering regions of more than one country. Given their ancestral connections with these lands, free movement is crucial for their self-identification as indigenous peoples, their self-determination, and their cultural survival as distinct peoples across the world. However, the needs of indigenous peoples have not always been carefully considered in regional and national migration frameworks, limiting their free movement through ancestral and customary territories, and threatening the sustainability of their livelihoods, their lifestyles and their family unities. In the Caribbean, for example, countries, where indigenous populations are present, have specific government bodies for their protection


Around the world, including the Caribbean, migrants with diverse SOGIESC are faced with diverse needs and risks, some of which are similar to those of other groups of migrants, and some of which are specific to their experiences as persons with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, or sex characteristics. IOM, in collaboration with UNHCR, has identified the following as the most common needs that persons from these populations have throughout their migration journeys: participation and outreach, individual documentation, protection from sexual and gender-based violence, other issues of safety and security, access to justice, material assistance, shelter and sanitation, education, livelihoods, and health (IOM and UNCHR, 2021).